Supervisor Server


The supervisor is a licensed name energy group product that is exclusively available to the sp2000 line of products. supervisors are able to aggregate data from multiple sp2000 units within a network and monitor them all at once. there is no limit to the number of sp2000’s that can be monitored concurrently. the supervisor really elevates the sp2000 product to much more than an energy management system. the software not only monitors your energy and equipment but also gives you actionable alerts that allow you and your staff to be proactive in managing your facility.


·        Advanced data  charting function

·        Multiple user hierarchy, including admin level  

·        DHCP and fixed IP addressing

·        Personalized Alert setting for all important parameters

·        Email notification when any alert is activated  – SMTP Configuration

·        Power Line oscilloscope function – Ability to chart voltage, current and KVA

·        Individual Harmonic chart generation for voltage and current

·        SSL Security Protocol

·        Tools to visualize facility location

·        Map overlay function to help locate individual SP2000 Location

·        Excel Export Function – Time Sensitive

·        5 second interval cloud based data storage and retrieval

·        User selectable real time dashboard function


Our robust dashboard allows you to view any and all metrics that the SP2000 monitors in real time.  Super Users also have the ability to customize the dashboard so they only see metrics that are important to them and their facility. 


Email alerts allow users to set-up notifications if a parameter reaches a certain point.  This is a great tool that allow managers to be proactive regarding their equipment usage.  A great example would be an alert that notifies you if your harmonics reach a certain level.  This could be an indication that a piece of equipment is about to fail and gives you the opportunity to fix the equipment prior to a catastrophic loss.  


The Location Map allows you to view all of your SP2000 units within your facility.  You can easily view the individual dashboard for unit with the click of a button.  This give you the most flexibility in managing all of your units quickly.